How does the Sportsbox 3DGOLF Mobile app detect a swing automatically?

 What does the video say about how the Sportsbox 3DGOLF Mobile app detects a swing automatically?

  • The video explains that the Sportsbox 3DGOLF Mobile app comes with an auto swing detection feature that is automatically turned on when creating a new session. This feature allows the app to recognize when a golfer steps into the frame and starts their swing, without the need for manual activation or additional setup. The user simply needs to ensure they are positioned correctly within the camera's view, and the app will take care of detecting the swing. This automatic detection facilitates a smoother and more efficient process for capturing and analyzing golf swings, making it easier for players and coaches to focus on the mechanics and improvements of the swing itself.

For a detailed demonstration of how to utilize the auto swing detection and other features of the app, consider watching the How to create a session | Sportsbox 3DGOLF Mobile video.