Why is it necessary to trim the video before analysis in Sportsbox 3DGOLF Mobile?

Why is it necessary to trim the video before analysis in Sportsbox 3DGOLF Mobile?
Trimming the video before analysis in the Sportsbox 3DGOLF Mobile app is necessary for a couple of key reasons:

  1. Focuses the Analysis: Trimming ensures that the app analyzes only the relevant part of the video — the swing itself. This focus helps in providing precise feedback and recommendations on improving the swing, as the analysis algorithms can concentrate on the mechanics of the swing without distractions from extraneous movements before or after it.
  2. Speeds Up the Analysis Process: By removing unnecessary footage, the video file becomes shorter, which can significantly speed up the analysis process. A shorter video means the app can process and render the swing's analysis faster, allowing users to receive feedback more quickly.

Trimming is an essential step in preparing the video for analysis, ensuring that the results are both accurate and timely. It's a simple process that greatly enhances the effectiveness of the app's feedback on the user's golf swing.

For a practical demonstration on how to effectively trim your video within the app, you might want to refer to the specific segment in the How to turn on a manual capture | Sportsbox 3DGOLF Mobile video.